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LandFor Sale
0 Brook Rd
Shelburne, MA 01370
Courtesy of LandVest, Inc. - Keith Ross
MLS Property Information Network
1,742,400Sq Ft
Est. Mortgage

40 ac. of forest land along Broad Brook Rd in Shelburne, MA. Hinsdale Brook runs along half of the 3,094 ft of road frontage between Brook Road and the property until it passes under the road to allow direct access to Brook Rd from the property. The interior is accessed by a woods road that leads to the plateau at the top of the property which could provide areas for potentially two house lots with terrific views. Most of the property contains maturing hemlock/hardwood forest with variable terrain. Some areas of gentle and moderate slopes occur, but a significant portion of this property contains very steep terrain with sensitive soils. The property abuts Apex Orchards which is part of over 700 ac. of conserved land. Good stewardship of this property will allow for this area to continue to provide valuable ecosystem services, as well as to provide a source of forest products that benefit the landowner and the local economy. Current timber capital value is estimated at $55,000.

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Information courtesy of LandVest, Inc. is subject to verification and is not guaranteed.
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